全年產量上看6萬台 將比去年增兩成
兼任大田、櫻之田董事長的李孔文表示,隨著單車運動在全世界形成一股熱潮,櫻之田剛好搭上熱賣列車,以去年為例,去年總共為ORBEA、De ROSA、Wilier、IBIS等客戶出貨5萬台車,全年營收創新高,約1,200萬美元,預期今年將更上一層樓。
ORBEA昨天在高雄開設的亞洲地區最大規模的單車概念旗,李孔文特別訂購一台價格33萬元的「Alma Gold」紀念車捧場,藉此摶個好彩頭,讓雙方能開創雙贏局面。
受到全球性經濟風暴影響,以歐、美客戶為代工主力的大田,近幾個月來營運明顯不如之前,但李孔文說,面對經濟衰退威脅,各客戶均有降低庫存動作,以致 最近接單量有所減少,但針對下半年的新產品上市,各客戶正展開圖檔、開模等前置作業,預估今年第二季是谷底,於下半年開始,訂單將會回溫。
2010年9月17日 星期五
2010年9月11日 星期六
2010年9月10日 星期五
How to measure any manufacturer's bike frame
Standard frame measurement terms:
- ST: Seat Tube: Measured from the center of the bottom bracket along the center to a point near the seat post binder. The exact location of this point may vary between manufacturers depending on the frame design. The main purpose of this would be as a reference point and, if located at the seat binder, would indicate whether your favorite seat post would be clamped above the minimum insertion line.
- TT: Top Tube: Measured from the frame size point horizontally to the steering tube axis.
- ST
o : Seat Tube Angle: The angle of the line passing through the bottom bracket and frame size point relative to the horizontal.
- SB: Setback: (used as a more accurate way to measure seat tube angle) the horizontal distance from a vertical line passing through the bottom bracket to the frame size point.
- HT
o : Head Tube Angle: The angle of the steering axis relative to horizontal.
- HT: Head Tube length: The length of the head tube (not including headset components)
- Measure the seat tube from the center of the bottom bracket to the point where you want the seatpost to exit the seat tube. Subtract 1 cm. That is the seat tube length and reference point for the next two measurements.
- With the bike on a level floor, measure horizontally from the seat tube length point to the center of the steering axis. That is the effective top tube length.
- If you don't have the published seat tube angle for your frame and you don't have an accurate protractor or "Angle Finder", you can measure setback. To do this, hang a plumb bob from the top tube so it passes through the center of the bottom bracket axis. Put a piece of tape on the top tube to mark the spot. Measure horizontally from this line back to the frame size point. That is the frame setback. Seat tube angle can be calculated from setback and seat tube length or you can simply compare setback directly.
- Measure the overall length of the head tube, not including any headset parts. Measure the spacers between the headset and the bottom of the stem that you will be using. On a new frame, increase the head tube length by the total thickness of spacers you wish to remove.
- Measure from the floor to the top of the top tube at the point where you would stand over the bike. That is the standover height for that bike.
2010年9月8日 星期三
RTS TTR6 2010
TTR6 2010
For 2010 RTS is producing a limited Golden Yellow and Arctic White TTR6 model. Only 100 frames will be produced in these paint schemes. The TTR6 model is our popular road-racing model where we sacrifice nothing in terms of stiffness, weight and comfort.
From its ultra stiff box-shaped down tube to the simple yet efficient design of the seat stays and chain stays, it will make climbing seem effortless and give authority when in the sprint finale.
The TTR6 being our lightest frame will make even the hardest of roads feel ultra smooth. Although it is considered a lightweight frame, its ability to transfer power is anything but light.
With its massive down tube cross-section, the frame is built to literally glide up the mountains.
Our ability to squeeze every ounce of stiffness and strength out of less material is a testament to RTS’ knowledge of carbon fiber technology.
From its ultra stiff box-shaped down tube to the simple yet efficient design of the seat stays and chain stays, it will make climbing seem effortless and give authority when in the sprint finale.
The TTR6 being our lightest frame will make even the hardest of roads feel ultra smooth. Although it is considered a lightweight frame, its ability to transfer power is anything but light.
With its massive down tube cross-section, the frame is built to literally glide up the mountains.
Our ability to squeeze every ounce of stiffness and strength out of less material is a testament to RTS’ knowledge of carbon fiber technology.
SHIMANO 5700全套 39800
SRAM APEX全套 42800
SRAM RIVAL全套 48000
SRAM FORCE全套 56000
CAMPY CENTAUR全套(鋁盤) 58000
SHIMANO 5700全套 39800
SRAM APEX全套 42800
SRAM RIVAL全套 48000
SRAM FORCE全套 56000
CAMPY CENTAUR全套(鋁盤) 58000
TTR6屬於爬坡型車架 四方管下管扭力好 車架+前叉 又才1300g
TTRX屬於平路衝刺型 五通強壯與內藏管刀型前叉設計 抽起車來非常直接
TTRX屬於平路衝刺型 五通強壯與內藏管刀型前叉設計 抽起車來非常直接
TTRX 2010
For 2010 RTS is producing a limited Golden Yellow and Arctic White TTRX model. Only 100 frames will be produced in these paint schemes.
The TTRX model is our multi-functional aero frame set. As a company that prides itself on making exceptionally aerodynamic bikes that save every watt in the wind, we feel that we have not only the knowledge and technology but also the experience that comes with making such a high-performance frame.
Aero frames are the most difficult frames to produce, as they have to do everything. They have to be; aerodynamic, stiff, light and comfortable.
Not too many bikes on the market can say with confidence that they can integrate all of the mentioned characteristics into one machine. RTS Carbon is confident that with its experience and team of engineers, we have successfully created a true multi-functional frame set.
It is aero enough that you can just slip on a set of TT bars and you have a capable time trial machine, yet it is light enough to be used in regular road racing, where qualities like handling and light weight are more important.
Whether you’re racing against the clock, climbing up the steepest mountains or going on a solo attack, the TTRX will definitely be ready for anything you can give it and more.
- 2010 Limited Edition Color
- Full SRAM Red Component Group
- Only 100 sets limited sets available
The TTRX model is our multi-functional aero frame set. As a company that prides itself on making exceptionally aerodynamic bikes that save every watt in the wind, we feel that we have not only the knowledge and technology but also the experience that comes with making such a high-performance frame.
Aero frames are the most difficult frames to produce, as they have to do everything. They have to be; aerodynamic, stiff, light and comfortable.
Not too many bikes on the market can say with confidence that they can integrate all of the mentioned characteristics into one machine. RTS Carbon is confident that with its experience and team of engineers, we have successfully created a true multi-functional frame set.
It is aero enough that you can just slip on a set of TT bars and you have a capable time trial machine, yet it is light enough to be used in regular road racing, where qualities like handling and light weight are more important.
Whether you’re racing against the clock, climbing up the steepest mountains or going on a solo attack, the TTRX will definitely be ready for anything you can give it and more.
- 2010 Limited Edition Color
- Full SRAM Red Component Group
- Only 100 sets limited sets available
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